Doctors working in ten or twenty years’ time will need to rethink how they treat a wide range of medical conditions, according to Quantum Biology – A Glimpse into the Future of Medicine, a new book by our Chairman, Professor Geoffrey Guy. The book draws on the latest research into quantum biology to examine how quantum phenomena affect processes as diverse as the functioning of the brain and the body’s approach to combating inflammation and disease. Professor Guy shows how we may need to reassess the ways in which energy and information are transmitted throughout the body.

At the heart of the analysis are the mitochondria, the components which produce the energy that powers our cells. Retuning the mitochondria (or “mito-tuning”) could be the key to dealing with many life-style related conditions, according to the book. It could improve healthy longevity, keeping us fitter for longer in our later years and decreasing the onset of degenerative disorders. All this could be done using neither chemicals nor genetic manipulation.
Harnessing quantum effects could also make it possible to treat diabetes or Covid,or even cancer, by shining exactly the right wavelength of light on patients. Another possibility would be to re-programme our cells to grow back missing organs. Humans of the future will probably still have some replacement parts inside them which have been manufactured, but they may also have regenerated some parts for themselves.
Written for the general reader, but with a scope and depth to satisfy medical professionals, the book also raises questions about the potentially damaging effects of space travel on astronauts’ health and how they might have to be mitigated. (See more about our work on space health here –
The book is designed to echo the ability of quantum particles to be in two places at the same time. QR codes in the text take the reader to regularly updated pages on the Guy Foundation website featuring more information on the various topics covered. It is available on Amazon and in all good bookshops.
Read more about the book here –
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